- Read the 3rd anniversary story deepdive on Steam (Warning: contains spoilers)
At the center of INMOST is the game's story. It unfolds slowly as the game progresses and each character plays a part.
INMOST is a fairy tale about pain, sadness, and loss. It contains rich symbolism derived from the fantasy world of a young girl — an evil Knight fights to spread pain and a heroic man collects pain, as the girl explores dark scary areas of her own home, discovering secrets. A narrator, speaking in the girl's voice, tells the story.
The Narrator
The Old Man |
Do you remember?...
Do you remember it? That tale about flowers? I thought it was a good story. I thought: "It's sure to have a happy ending." I was wrong. It's a tale about pain. Let me tell you... Again... These lands were dead. Destroyed and devastated. All you could hear was the whisper of the ashes. Then a stranger came. He held a Spark in his hand. The stranger opened his hand and the Spark was set free. Light returned. Yet pain was the price for this light. Screaming filled the air. Time passed, the screaming grew silent. Pain became a familiar friend. Some disappeared from the lands; no one knew whether they had crept away or been taken by pain. Yet many also remained. Castles which once rose into the skies, fell into ruins. Time wiped clean any trace. Centuries passed; the people started calling the stranger 'the Keeper of the Spark'. He kept watch over the land, soaking up the pain of its people. But the people had hope... They were growing flowers. |
The Girl
The Man
The Knight
The Storyteller
The Storyteller reveals parts of the story in exchange for Pain Crystals.
First Meeting |
Ah, human
Come, don't be afraid What's that sparkling? Those ssstones - you know what those are? ... Oh, yes, it's pain. Sweet pain. Let me sssee it. Every living thing feels pain. Every blade of grass. Every little bug. Finding it is hard though. Few can do it. |
5 Pain Crystals |
Oh, the Cassstle is expanding. It consumesss these landsss.
It bringsss the pain with it. A huge creature lived here. She knew nothing of joy, nothing of grief. No emotions. It was a good time for her. She hunted and she fed her offspring – hundredsss of them. But her ssspark is growing dim. Her world will never be the sssame. Touched by the Cassstle, her offspring are changing. The Cassstle has brought fear. She is locked with them. She fears them. They are poisoning her. One day she will die, and, perhaps, this will be a blessed day for all of usss. |
10 Pain Crystals |
That casssstle and that tower behind me...
They haven't always been there. Once the Sssspark shone brightly, and the world was full of light and of life. There was a Shadow too, with small creatures living in it. Pain lived in them, as it lived in everyone elssse, yet they were almost oblivious to it. They were happy. One day something changed. It wasn't their fault. Everything changesss. They were no longer content with being ssssmall and weak. They decided that, for them to become strong, someone else must become weak. They chose their victim. They nurtured their pain, collected it, mixed it in with hatred. Then poured it all over their victim. And as their victim became weaker from the burden, they thought they were becoming stronger. It wasn't their fault. ... But the land around them changed, as it changed around him. No one saw it happen. Soft earth turned to ssstone. Green grass turned to black ash. And, stone upon stone, the walls sssstarted rising. Oh... no one could bear to see it. Everybody turned away, nurturing their pain and hatred so they could pour it out again. |
20 Pain Crystals |
Oh, once a Witch lived here.
She was different then. No one had called her a Witch yet. She loved thissss world and every fragment of life within it. Her eyes glowed with a desire to live. She wanted to make the world better. She studied it. She knew about the Cassstle. She wanted to stop the Cassstle. But she couldn't do it alone. And the one who was with her – he didn't help her. He was never around. She seemed ssstrong, yet she was weak. She grew her own Soul Flower. She thought the flower would destroy the Cassstle. Yet the castle kept growing. She couldn't sssstop it. And one day the Castle consumed her flower. Oh... She lost the most preciousss thing she had. ... It changed her – forever. She cursssed this world and all that lived in it. She would never be the same again. Despite the efforts of the one who was with her, yet never around. |
30 Pain Crystals |
Ah, human.
You're not the first sssstranger in this world. The Knight. I know you can see him. You can see what he did. He wasn't born here, just like you. These are not his lands. This is not his casssstle. But the Cassstle has consumed his soul, as it has many others. One day it will consume yourssss too. But the Knight did not cease his fight. Though his heart was black and he was now a servant to the Keeper of the Spark... His desire remained unchanged. And the fire showed him the way. Oh, human, the sssstorm is coming. |
40 Pain Crystals |
The sssstorm is coming.
The Witch promised she'd return. And so she will. ... The Knight could never grow his way out of these lands. His heart was black. But he sssstole what didn't belong to him. He sssstole another's Soul Flower. He built his way out of fire and pain that wasn't his. And the Witch saw what he had done. And she hated him for it. But only the Witch could bind the Soul Flower to the Knight's dark heart. Only the Witch who could break down the barrier to the Flower. And so he would visit her. He pleaded with her. He argued with her. He threatened her. He begged her. But the Witch hated the Flower that had ssssprung from the fire. And the Witch hated the Knight. Hated him, because once she had had her own flower – and lost it. Because the Knight had forgotten her pain. Because the Knight sssstole another flower to keep for himself. She could have bound her heart to the Flower that ssssprung from the fire. He begged her to do it, but she never would. For she had had her own flower and lost it. And there was no hope left for her, just the pain. Each time she saw the Flower she moved another ssstep deeper into madnesss. ... Do you feel it? The sssstorm is coming. The Witch will burn this world to ashes, and then you shall meet her. Once again. |
50 Pain Crystals |
The pain changes everyone.
It has changed you too, human, you just don't see it yet. Maybe you never will see it, just like the Witch. Madnesssss overcame her. Tearsss stole the light from her eyes. She desired more than most. Being safe from her pain wasn't enough for her. She wanted to save everyone from the pain. But you cannot defeat the Keeper of the Spark. Many tried and all fell, and so she chose not to try. The Keeper is eternal. He lives in every one of usss. But she thought she had found another way. She thought it was the only one. Let the pain dissolve everyone. Everyone must give in. And she will help them. She will burn this world. She will burn everyone. And now she is returning. I see green flashes in the ssssky. There is but one sssstory left to tell. And that sssstory is about you, human. |
60 Pain Crystals |
Ah, human
You see how the world hasn't frozen? Do you see it flow, do you see it change? What exactly is it that you see? Do you see the Cassstle consuming these lands? Do you see the Witch going mad from her pain? Do you see the Knight trying to walk the way that is not his own? This is all wrong. Something has happened. Something that has never happened before. The lines of the passsst have crossed again. Your passst, their passsst, her passst. The lines have connected you, as they did before. This world is ruined. It is dead. Don't you remember? YOU ruined it. ... You weren't a part of this world. You came into it through a sssstory. You kept changing it. It is no longer her world. No more is it the world of the Flower that ssssprung from the fire. Your existence ssssplits this world in two. But your half is greater. In her world the Knight stole the Flower from those who gave it life. In your world it didn't happen like that. You know the truth. You know that there is no Knight. Never has been. So go and do what you musssst. Desssstroy the Casssstle of her world. Turn the world of the Flower into dusssst. Save her. |
After hearing all stories |
The world is changing. A new cycle beginsss.
Don't let her enter the tower. Time is running out for this story. |
Ending Scenes